The data on sleep are pretty clear: getting enough quality sleep is good for you! Good sleep is associated with better physical health, better mental health, better athletic performance, quicker response time, less impulsivity, and overall better mood.

Sleep Tips

  1. Create a sleep sanctuary — keep your bedroom quiet, dark, cool, comfortable, and uncluttered.
  2. Avoid activities likely to excite or stimulate you before bed.
  3. Avoid blue LED light before bed by switching your devices to night mode. Being exposed to blue LED light mimics full-spectrum sunlight, which can trick your body into thinking it is earlier in the day.
  4. Avoid exercising within 3–4 hours of going to bed. Exercising elevates your body temperature which can trick your body into thinking it is earlier in the day.
  5. Try to go to bed and wake up consistently around the same times for a healthy and consistent sleep schedule.
  6. Take a warm shower or bath 30-60 minutes before bed.
  7. Brush your teeth earlier in the evening rather than right before bed. Most toothpastes contain ingredients that make your mouth feel tingly and clean, which can make it harder to fall asleep.
  8. In the half-hour before bed, do something relaxing like meditation, yoga, prayer, reading, or journaling.
  9. Limit substances such as caffeine, alcohol, and marijuana, which can disrupt REM sleep.

Sleep and Health

Getting good sleep is critical not just for staying mentally sharp, but also for many aspects of physical and mental health. When people get too little sleep on a chronic basis, the risk goes up for many health problems. These include heart disease, diabetes, weight gain, and maybe even a shorter lifespan. Depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts are associated with sleep deprivation, too. Even over the short term, too little sleep can weaken your immune system, making colds and other illnesses more likely. Watch the video below to find out more.