Carleton made the decision in the summer of 2017 to migrate from Reason to WordPress as its primary Content Management System (CMS). The entire process is expected to take 3–5 years, with the majority of work completed by the end of the 2021 calendar year.
Completed migrations:
Phase I: May 2018–June 2019
- May 15, 2018: Admissions
- October: About Carleton, Information for Visitors, Japanese Garden
- November: Investment Office, Inside Carleton
- December: Alumni Guest House
- January 2019: Honors Convocation, Languages at Carleton, Public Works, Public Policy, Political Economy, Biochemistry, Middle East Studies, Asian Studies, Archaeology, Asian Languages & Literatures, Judaic Studies, Middle Eastern Languages, Arabic, Hebrew, Literary and Cultural Studies
- February: Cross-Cultural Studies, Women’s and Gender Studies
- March: Africana Studies, Latin American Studies, Spanish, German, Russian, Classics, American Studies, Sociology and Anthropology, Religion
- April: French and Francophone Studies, Linguistics, Neuroscience, Philosophy, American Music, Educational Studies
- May: Cognitive Science, Music, Interdisciplinary Studies, Web2020, Political Science, Mathematics and Statistics, 3-2 Engineering Program, European Studies, Biology, Pre-Health Program, Environmental Studies
- June: Geology, Psychology, Primate Research at Carleton, Animal Care & Use in Psychology, P.E.A.R., Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Chemistry, Economics, Theater & Dance, English, Cinema and Media Studies, CAMS Production Office, Computer Science, Physics and Astronomy, History, Art & Art History
Phase II: July–December 2019
- July 2019: Humanities Center, Undergraduate Journal of Humanistic Studies, Academic Technology, Digital Humanities, Community Connections
- August: Parents Advisory Council, Copyright at Carleton, go.carleton, Most of the Adminstrative and Governance Committee websites (Academic Standing Committee, Accessibility Awareness Committee, Admissions and Financial Aid Committee, Arts and Exhibitions Committee, Benefits Committee, Bookstore Committee, Budget Committee, Campus Design Advisory Committee, Career Center Committee, Classrooms Committee, Committee on Convocation and Common Conversation, Committee on Student Life, Community Board on Sexual Misconduct, Distinguished Women Visitors, Education and Curriculum Committee, Faculty Curricular Planning Committee, Faculty Grants Committee, Faculty Judiciary Committee, Honorary Degrees Committee, Judicial Hearing Board, Junior Faculty Affairs Committee, Language Requirement Exemption Committee, Library and Information Technology Committee, Off-Campus Studies Committee, Recreation Center Advisory Committee, Safety Committee, Student Fellowships Committee, Teacher Education Committee, Technology Planning & Priorities Committee, Writing Advisory Committee), College Communications, Environmental Advisory Committee, Language Center, FOCUS, Environmental Health & Safety, Posse, Ombuds Office, TRIO, Honorary Degrees, Institutional Biosafety Committee, Peer Leaders
- September: Campus Directory
- October: Farewells, Information for Carleton Seniors, Carleton Staff, Staff at Carleton (SAC), The Forum, College Council, Carleton Integrated Math & Science
- November: Campus Services, Print Services, Campus Scheduling, Fleet Vehicle Services, Transportation, Auxiliary Services, Carleton Bookstore, Mail Services, Gender and Sexuality Center, Dining Services, Admissions Blogger Resources, Infectious Disease Updates, Alumni Business Fellowship Program, Faculty Meeting, Faculty Mentoring Program
- December: OneCard, Carleton College Accreditation, Carleton ‘C’ Club, Carleton Arts & Technology, Carleton Phi Beta Kappa, Carleton College Strategic Plan, Ethical Inquiry at Carleton (EthIC), Summer Liberal Arts Institute, Family Weekend, Family Guide, Undergraduate Research, Telecommunications, Incoming Faculty, Meerts Lab, Language and Cognition Research Lab, Health Psychology Lab, Perception Lab, IdeaLab, Every Carl for Carleton, OnBase at Carleton, Faculty/Staff Wellness, Vice President and Treasurer’s Office, Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response, Budget Office, Emeriti Faculty, Carleton Summer Science Institute, Summer Computer Science Institute, Summer Humanities Institute, Summer Quantitative Reasoning Institute, Summer Teaching Institute, Summer Writing Program
Phase III: January–December 2020
- January 2020: Conferences and Retreats, Office of the Chaplain, Health Promotion, The Hub Documentation, Academic Support Center, Prefect Program, The Writing Center, Second Language Writing Consultants, Math Skills Center, Community, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (CEDI), Mellon-Mays Undergraduate Fellowship, Alumni Admissions Representatives, Dacie Moses House, Digital Liberal Arts, Carleton Responsible Investment Committee (CRIC)
- February 2020: Campus Governance, Arts at Carleton, Director of the Arts, Convocations, Carleton Homepage, Learning and Teaching Center, Sport Clubs, Intramural Sports
- March 2020: Instrument Shop, Recreation Center
- April 2020: Institutional Research and Assessment, External Relations, Development, Development Operations, Gift Planning, Major Gifts, Milestone Reunions, Stewardship
- May 2020: Center for Global & Regional Studies, Global Experience Travel Writing Contest, Human Resources, Security Services, Student Fellowships, Student Health and Counseling, Prizes, Awards, and Honors, 2018 Senior Art Show, 2017 Senior Art Show, 2016 Senior Art Show, 2015 Senior Art Show
- June 2020: Office of the President, Retirement Plan Investment Committee, 50th Reunion Committees, Dean of Students, Division of Student Life, Disability Services, Assistive Technology, Black Student Alliance, Curricular and Research Support, Board of Trustees, 2019 Senior Art Show, 2013 Senior Art Show, 2010 Senior Art Show, 2006 Senior Art Show, 2005 Senior Art Show, Fine Printing, Laurence McKinley Gould, Likenesses into Presence, Sampling the Census, Schiller Society
- July 2020: Treasured Gifts, Wall Charts, Accidentals, Carleton Anime Society, Spatial Analysis, Office of Residential Life & Housing, Stephen R. Lewis Jr., CSA Budget Committee, Reunion Class Volunteers, Carleton News, African Caribbean Association, Asexual Community and Education, Asian Students in America, ASL Club, Bridge Club, CAASHA, CANOE, Carleton Advocacy Network of Doulas, Carleton Automotive Robotics Society, Carleton Business Club, Carleton Catholic Student Association, Fencing Club, Rugby Reunions, Carleton College Water Polo, Carleton Democratic Socialists of America, Carleton Developers Exchange, Carleton Documentary Club, Carleton Investment Group, Carleton Model UN, Carleton Pre-Health Association, Carleton Quidditch, Sustainability, LifeStyles Program, Carleton Ultimate Team, Chess Club, Chinese Club, Coalition of Hmong Students, Writing Across the Curriculum, Daniel Groll
- August 2020: IACUC, Dean of the College, Cujokra Improv Comedy, Cycling Club, Experimental Dance Board, Experimental Theater Board, Fellowship in Christ, Men of Color, Gould Library
- September 2020: Carleton Global Engagement, Buddhist Studies in Bodh Gaya, India, Ecology and Anthropology in Tanzania, Women’s and Gender Studies in Europe, Carleton News, Creative Strategy, Class of 1995, Advising Handbook
- October 2020: Student Employment, Goodsell Observatory, Carleton Student Association, Student Financial Services
- November 2020: Class of 1996, Office of Intercultural and International Life, Business Office, Information for International Students, Carleton Alumni Volunteer Experience, Giving to Carleton, Giving Volunteers/Annual Giving
- December 2020: Institutional Review Board (IRB), Multicultural Alumni Network (MCAN), Out After Carleton (OAC), Cowling Arboretum
Phase IV: January – December 2021
- January 2021: Reunion 20+21, Facilities Management, Class of 1971, Class of 1972, Class of 1973, Class of 1974, Class of 1975, Class of 1976, Class of 1977, Class of 1978, Class of 1979, Class of 1980, Class of 1981, Class of 1982, Class of 1983, Class of 1984, Class of 1985, Class of 1987, Critical Conversations
- February 2021: Office of Alumni Relations, Class of 1986, Class of 1988, Class of 1989, Class of 1990, Class of 1997, Class of 1998, Class of 1999, Class of 2000, Class of 2001, Class of 2002, Emergency Information
- March 2021: Class of 2003, Class of 2004, Class of 2005, Class of 2006, Class of 2007, Class of 2008, Class of 2009, Perlman Teaching Museum, Alumni Adventures, Class of 1970, Class of 2010, Class of 2011, Class of 2012, Class of 2013, Class of 2014, Class of 2015, Class of 2016, Class of 2017
- April 2021: Cherlon Ussery, Carleton and the Third Reich, Susan R. Singer, Carleton College Utility Master Plan
- May 2021: Carleton Undergraduate Bridge Experience (CUBE), Gregory Blake Smith, Information Technology Services, PEPS, Alumni Farewells, Parent/Family Gateway, Class of 1955, Class of 1956, Class of 1960, Class of 1961, Class of 1965, Class of 1966
- June 2021: Economics and European Studies in Cambridge, Cross-Cultural Psychology in Prague, History, Religion, and Urban Change in Medieval Italy, Class of 1991, Class of 1953, Class of 1954, Class of 1957, Class of 1958, Class of 1959, Class of 1962, Class of 1967, Science Fiction & Fantasy Alliance
- July 2021: Carleton Athletic Initiative, Class of 1963, Class of 1964, Class of 1968, Class of 1969, Class of 1992, Class of 1993, Class of 1994, Class of 2018, Class of 2019, Class of 2020, Carleton Runners Enjoy Every Pace (CREEP), Carleton Football Club, Registrar’s Office, Reunion 2016, Reunion 2017, Reunion 2018, Reunion 2019, The Esternay Project, The Golden Schillers, Proyecto de Investigación, Machine Safety at Carleton
- August 2021: The Ethics of Assessing and Treating Sex Offenders, Argument & Inquiry Seminar Resources, Commencement
- September 2021: Student Gateway, Faculty/Staff Gateway, Off-Campus Studies, From the White Board
- October 2021: Web Services Group, Reunion 2020, New Students, Career Center, Student Activities
- December 2021: Alumni Network
Phase V: January – tbd 2022
- January 2022: Weitz Center for Creativity, Sophomore Week
- February 2022: International Film Forum, Regional Carls, Carleton Connects, Campus Photos
- July 2022: Carleton Academics
- September 2022: Campus Map