1. Technology Planning & Priorities Committee (TPPC) (Advise, Decide)

Top-level policy setting and major technology infrastructure decisions; also court of last resort for resolving major project/resource priorities. Initially, the goal is to engage this group in technology request priority setting, so we can establish guidelines for resource allocation and priority setting going forward.

2. Web Advisory Group (Advise, Recommend)

Advises web development and web design teams and ITS/Comms leadership on stakeholder communications, policy, and possibly prioritization of work. This group meets on an as-needed basis to advise on bigger web-related projects; the group membership is made up of relevant staff, faculty, and/or student stakeholders, as determined ahead of the project.

3. ITS & Division of Communications (COMMS) Leadership (Accountable, Advise, Inform, Decide)

ITS and COMMS leadership will be informed of web project status, will advise on decisions, and will approve recommendations that do not require TPPC approval.

4. ITS & Division of Communications Staff (Advise, Implement, Decide)

The ITS web development and academic technology teams and Communications’ web strategists collaborate on web projects, content management, web content strategy and standards, and service maintenance. In addition to performing hands-on management of carleton.edu, ITS and Comms staff provide expert advice and recommendations to other bodies and are the primary service point for community members with web needs. See roles and responsibilities for more details. 

5. Web Editors Group (Inform)

Staff and faculty members designated as a primary site maintainer for at least one Carleton website are automatically included in this group. Other site authors/editors are welcome to join upon request. ITS web development staff and Comms web strategists will engage this group through email updates, training and information sessions, and feedback opportunities.