Field Day: Carleton dancers in unlikely places
Via E-mail Havana Nights It was with pleasure that I saw the picture of the band playing in front of a restaurant in Havana [“Terms of Engagement,” winter]. I play…
Today, more than ever, instruction in science and the liberal arts mutually reinforce each other. Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics—or STEM, as the disciplines are called collectively—pervade the national dialog. What’s missing in many conversations about education, work, and life is the broader integration of STEM, replete with the many ways of knowing and understanding our world.
Meet Lyman Bongo Bailey Openshaw.
Carleton will celebrate its sesquicentennial the weekend of October 14, and you’re invited!
Excerpt from Ride Around Shining by Chris Leslie-Hynan ’02
Stephen Grinich ’16 has become an in-demand app man on campus.
Coffee with a Carl—a new program run through Carleton’s alumni relations office—helps alumni from different generations meet each other for advice and camaraderie.
We want your input.
“Woodstock for physicists” is how Carleton physics professor Nelson Christensen describes the Washington, D.C., press conference at which scientists announced their groundbreaking discovery of gravitational waves.