Following a tragic car accident that claimed the lives of three students and seriously injured two others, the Carleton community comes together to grieve our loss and to celebrate the lives of three extraordinary young men: James Adams ’15, Michael Goodgame ’15, and Paxton Harvieux ’15.
The chief aim of our recently adopted strategic plan is to improve the academic experience at Carleton. While we are always working to make our college stronger, it is important…
Recently named vice president for external relations, Tommy Bonner says he’s looking forward to “having a lot of fun at Carleton.”
Fewer students are choosing to major in the humanities, and funding sources are drying up fast—two critical reasons that Carleton faculty members are joining their colleagues nationwide to educate students, employers, and legislators on why these disciplines are more worthwhile now than ever before.
St. Olaf’s Buntrock Commons student center nearly split its seams when it hosted the inaugural Northfield Area Climate Summit in January.
In the past 20 years, northwestern Minnesota’s moose population has dropped from 4,000 to 100. A graduate student at the University of Minnesota, Bill Severud ’02 is working with a team of researchers from the university and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to find out why.
Amelia Campbell ’16 broke the NCAA Division III all-time record in the pentathlon at the 2014 MIAC championships and won the national title a few weeks later.
Inspired by the popular blog Humans of New York, first-year student Thomas Hiura launches Humans of Carleton on Facebook and reminds us that what we love most about this place is the people who live, work, and study here.
People around the world tune in for Carleton Connects, a webinar program put on by the alumni relations office for anyone who seeks the intellectual stimulation of a college lecture.
Religion major Kassie Maxeiner ’14 is completing a comps project on Al-Jumuah, a Muslim American magazine.