The UJHS editorial process is conducted by a board of editors, similar to the process of other undergraduate journals. Review is designed to minimize bias and facilitate the selection of high-quality manuscripts. The specifics of this process are detailed below:

  • An author submits a manuscript.
  • The editor(s)-in-chief of the journal screens the manuscript. Some manuscripts are rejected prior to peer-review.
  • If the manuscript clears the initial screening, the editors-in-chief anonymize the submission.
  • Two to three editors, with subject expertise as possible, read the manuscript, noting changes that would be necessary if the manuscript is to be accepted, and give an overall recommendation regarding acceptance or rejection.
  • The editorial board decides whether to accept the manuscript for publication.
  • The author of an accepted submission makes the necessary changes to the manuscript as recommended by the reviewing editors.
  • The editors-in-chief approve the revised manuscript.
  • The manuscript is published.