May 7–8, 2020
The Carleton Board of Trustees met virtually via Zoom for its Spring Term meeting on May 7 and 8, 2020. The following is a brief summary of major topics discussed and actions taken during their meeting:
- The Board elected one new alumni trustee and one new young alumni trustee, each for a four-year term beginning July 1, 2020. The Board also elected five current trustees to a second four-year term. Additionally, the Board elected one former trustee to the role of Trustee Emeritus.
- The Board approved the slate of board officers for the year 2020-21.
- The Board approved faculty leaves of absence for 2020-22.
- The Board approved spring term B.A. degrees, pending successful completion of their remaining requirements. The board also approved four honorary degrees.
- The Board approved the following faculty promotions:
- From Professor to Professor Emeritus: Jerome M. Levi, Gail Nelson, Mary Elizabeth Savina
- From Associate Professor to Full Professor: Kenneth B. Abrams, Judith Howard, Aaron Rushing, Noboru Tomonari, George H. Vrtis
- From Professor to Endowed Chair: Cameron Davidson, Charles L. Dennison Professor of Geology; Clara Shaw Hardy, David and Marian Adams Bryn-Jones Distinguished Teaching Professor of the Humanities; Anna Moltchanova, David and Mary-Alice Sipfle Professor of Philosophy; Victoria M. Morse, Humphrey Doermann Professor of Liberal Learning
- The Board approved the naming of the William Carleton Medal recipients and the Founder’s Court inductees.
- The Board approved memorial resolutions for two former trustees: Ada Posey ’78 and Mark Banks ‘71.
- The Board approved the acceptance of a new Investment Policy Statement to reflect the incorporation of environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and governance (ESG) factors into the Investment Manager selectin and review process, and to formalize its annual engagement with the Carleton Responsible Investment Committee (CRIC).
- The Board approved the Circulation and Parking Plan, which addresses pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicle traffic patterns, accessibility, parking inventory, and reducing vehicle traffic and parking along College Street north of Fifth Street. The overall plan includes many projects, large and small in scope, that will improve parking and circulation on and around campus. Individual projects will be reviewed and approved as recommended.
- The Board received an update from President Poskanzer and his executive team on the impacts of COVID-19 on Carleton students, faculty, staff and finances. The team outlined options and governance processes for decisions being made to provide the best possible outcomes for the 2020-21 school year and beyond.
- The Board reviewed an analysis of student health and wellness needs with recommendations by by Keeling and Associates, who were contracted to the 2019 study done by Keeling and Associates to develop a more forward-looking strategy to best serve students in the critical area of physical and mental health care.
- The Board expressed its appreciation and thanks to Fred Rogers, Vice President of Finance and Treasurer, as he prepares to retire at the end of June.