Carleton Board of Trustees Meeting
October 2018 Summary
The Carleton Board of Trustees met on campus from October 25-27, 2018. The following is a brief summary of actions taken and major topics discussed during their meeting:
1. The Board approved an update to the request for faculty leaves of absence for 2018-19, as well as new leaves for 2019-20 and 2020-21.
2. The Board approved the request for mid-year B.A. degrees for students who have completed the requirements for graduation.
3. The Board approved the audited financial statements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018 and the defined contribution and supplement retirement plan audited financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2017.
4. The Board endorsed the Every Carl for Carleton comprehensive capital campaign, with a campaign goal of $400 million, focusing on four vital priorities: financial aid to broaden access for the best students; enriching the teaching and learning environment; preparing students for rewarding and fulfilling lives and careers; and bolstering the Annual Fund that serves Carleton’s most crucial current needs. The campaign will conclude on June 30, 2021.
5. The Board approved awarding the William Carleton Medal to one donor, in recognition of their extraordinary generosity to the College, based on cumulative gifts totaling at least $1.5 million.
6. The Board welcomed five new trustees, who were elected in May 2018, to their first Trustee meeting. These new members participated in a half-day orientation session prior to the start of the Board meeting.
7. The Board spent the majority of its time considering Carleton’s position in the competitive landscape of highly selective liberal arts colleges. At each committee meeting, Trustees examined how Carleton is faring among its peers relevant to the College’s management metrics. During the full Board plenary, Trustees led both small- and large group discussions around four questions:
- How are we stacking up against our competition on the distinctive initiatives articulated in our Strategic Plan?
- Are we meeting the educational / developmental expectations of current students and their families? Are we positioned to do the same for future students?
- What is our competition doing that we should worry about (or not worry about)?
- Apart from what our competitors are doing, are there external developments that require our attention or response?
At the end of the session, Board members noted the powerful takeaways and best ideas that emerged from these conversations.
8. Finally, Trustees, along with Carleton students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends, celebrated the launch of the public phase of the Every Carl for Carleton campaign, including a special Convocation and keynote by Mae Jemison, an all-campus reception, and an evening program.