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Troubleshooting Dialer Serial Connections

The following section gives suggestions for troubleshooting Dialer serial connections:

  1. View the Dialer message log by starting a connection from a profile and clicking the Message Log button when the Connect status box appears.

    Dialer maintains a message log while trying to make a connection. The message log contains a running list of all commands sent to the serial interface, and the data received from the serial interface. Save the message log in a file and view its contents to determine the source of a problem.

  2. Try making a manual connection.

    If you can connect successfully using manual connect, but cannot connect with a Dialer profile, this indicates an error in the Dialer profile, or the Dialer script.

  3. If modem is not dialing, try a different modem type.

    If the modem does not dial, and it is powered on and connected to your workstation properly, select a different modem type from the Type drop-down list in the Modem tab.

  4. If a serial connection is made, but no data is transmitted, change the serial interface speed.

    If the speed value in the modem tab or in the Configure Interface dialog box is set too high for your workstation's serial port, this can cause problems when transmitting data. Change the speed to a lower value to correct the problem.

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