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Troubleshooting NFS Printing

If your Windows 3.x NFS print requests are not successful, check the information that appears in the Current Connections list in the Connections tab. The Windows 3.x Print Assistant displays error messages that it receives in the list next to the affected printer. In Windows 95, use the Print Manager to check printer status.

Printing via LPD

If your print requests are not successful when using an LPR/LPD queue, make sure you are using the right filter. If you specify an incorrect filter, the print server will not be able to interpret your print request. Your network administrator can give you the information you need.

If you receive the error message The server is not configured to accept print jobs from this PC, this means that the LPD is running at the server, but the LPD server has rejected your request to submit a job. In this case, if the remote machine is running Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS, use MULTINET CONFIGURE/SERVER to verify that LPD is accepting requests from your machine. Contact you network administrator for more information.

If NFS and Print Assistant reports no errors and it appears that the job was successfully printed, but no output appears at the printer:

  1. Make sure your user name specifies a valid user account on the server.
  2. If the remote machine is running Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS, enter REPLY/ENABLE = NETWORK/TEMP at the server. Then submit another print job and review the error messages generated by the LPD server.
  3. Make sure that the target queue is not stopped at the server. To do this on an OpenVMS server, use SHOW QUEUE queue-name. On a UNIX server, you can try the status command in the lpc utility to determine the state of the queue.

Printing Using a Stream Connection

When using Cisco MultiNet for OpenVMS print server, if the NFS print application does not report any error messages, and the job has been removed from the print server queue, but the printed output appears improperly formatted, verify the logical name MULTINET_PCNFSD_USE_FIX_512_FILES is defined to "TRUE" at the print server. Contact you network administrator for more information.

If the NFS print application displays the message Connection to printer timed out: make sure the printer is online a few seconds after submitting a print job:

  1. Verify the printer is powered on.
  2. Use MultiNet Tools Ping and TraceRoute tabs to ensure that the print server is reachable on the network.

If the printer only partially prints the job, but Print Assistant does not report any errors, and the job is no longer in the queue, make sure that you enabled Telnet Negotiation for the connection.

If the print job is shown in the "Printing" state from the Print Manager utility and no error messages are reported by Print Assistant, but nothing appears at the printer:

  1. Verify the printer is online.
  2. Make sure the printer is not busy with other requests, causing the print job to take longer than usual.

If you receive the message Could not connect to printer after a minute or longer delay, then the remote server is not reachable from your machine. The long delay indicates that the server is not reachable. A software configuration error would cause the error message to display immediately.

If the NFS print application displays the message Could not create a spool file at the print-server: access denied, verify that your user account at the server has permission to submit jobs to the target queue.

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