• Heavens to Betsy, There Are Veggies in the Planter Boxes!

    There you are, scarfing down your Snack Bar sandwich as you run out of Sayles, when suddenly a Dinosaur Kale plant attacks you. “Where the goodness did THAT come from?” you exclaim.

    Farm Club and Grounds, that’s where.

    Last spring, a friendly coalition formed between Farm Club members and Dennis Easley, Superintendent of Grounds, to plan the vegetal invasion of the previously floral-centric planter boxes outside of Sayles. They discussed aesthetically pleasing plants and decided that the best contenders would be Dinosaur and Red Russian Kale, Genovese and Purple Basil, Broccoli and several types of squash. The little plantlings entered the ground in the spring, and were mulched with cocoa bean hulls that created a delicious brownie aroma around the building, confusing drooling students for days. Despite the devastating drought this summer, the plants went wild.

    This fall, students have been observed transplanting basil plants from the planter boxes for personal consumption, and the remaining plants were stripped of their leaves for Farm House’s wildly successful Pesto Fest. It is uncertain whether any of the gargantuan kale or any of the less plentiful squash have been hijacked by hungry Carls. Farm Club will soon ravage the beds for compost-making.

    In planning for next year’s vegetable onslaught, Dennis Easley has recommended the planting of dwarf vegetable varieties.