• Carleton Green Fund Initiative Passes by Resounding Margin

    The Carleton administration and the Carleton Student Association (CSA) Senate usually follow the philosophy that Carleton students vote with their feet when it comes to environmental activism and education on the campus. Record turnout at environmental events, concerns about the environmental effects of Carleton’s food and appliance purchasing, and continued interest in the College’s Environment & Technology Studies program are all indicative that concern for the environment is becoming an entrenched Carleton value. However, last week students got the opportunity to actually vote for more environmental programming—and the results were astonishing.

    When asked in a recent Senate election whether they would support the allocation of a portion of the Student Activity Fee to a “Green Fund,” an unprecedented 82.3% of those who voted said “yes.” This is one of the highest positive proportion of responses in the history of student referenda at Carleton. The Green Fund will be utilized by students and their organizations to fund environmentally-sustainable decisions and initiatives, and will be debuting on campus next fall, so get excited!