• It was great to see Steven Levitt speak at Convocation last year. He was a much more charismatic than I was expecting him to be, and his anecdotes about his research were really funny. He also did a great interview with KRLX, which I thought was really cool of him.

    Recently, the New York Times began hosting his blog, Freakonomics, which he runs with Steven Dubner. It can be fun to check out every once in awhile, but there was one entry recently posted that I found particularly interesting. Titled “What Should We Really Be Doing About Global Warming? A Freakonomics Quorum”, Freakonomics asked several prominent business school professors and magazine editors what should individuals and the U.S. government be doing about global warming? Their answers were rather diverse, but the whole quorum answered the questions honestly and to the best of their abilities.

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