• Need Help? Consult Earth 911

    Are your dead cell phones collecting dust in a spare drawer?   Looking for a company to recycle to your batteries? Despair no longer.  A website called Earth 911 will provide you with the names, addresses, phone numbers and directions to your local recycling provider for specialty items such as compact fluorescent light bulbs and computers.  Earth 911 is the largest online clearinghouse of recycling information in the United States and Canada.  It is currently trying to expand its coverage to Europe.  Having spent several frustrated nights doing blind internet searches in Northfield, MN for CFL recycling locations, I came across Earth 911. Simply type in “CFL” or “batteries” and your zipcode, or city and state and choose the nearest location!

    If you find that there is no place in your community that recycles your item, I have a few suggestions for you.  See whether the vender will process the old product, check with your municipal government, contact your trash collection company, or work to get larger companies such as Target or K-Mart which sell the product to provide the recycling service for the local community.