Apr 25

Housing and Urban Justice Panel

Thu, April 25, 2024 • 3:00pm - 4:30pm (1h 30m) • Anderson 036

Affordable and sustainable housing are linked and important to the future of housing. A panel of Minnesota experts engaging housing, sustainability, and justice will share how they have engaged these issues through their roles. They will share examples of projects that they have worked on and answer questions related to developing, implementing, and advocating for sustainable and just housing. The goal of this event is to highlight examples in housing sustainability and justice and to help Carleton students see different entries and roles for engaging in this work. We also invite members of the community interested in exploring these issues and engaging with experts.

Panelists will include:

Scott Wopata, Executive Director of the Community Action Center who was instrumental in building support for new sustainable and affordable housing in Hillcrest Village, Northfield, MN.

Emily Beltt, Programs for Innovation and Equity Workforce Training Coordinator, Division of Energy Resources, MN Department of Commerce who has supported training efforts associated with the Weatherization Assistance Program.

Jay Rajaratnam, Sandra Rieger, part of SDC, a real estate company engaged in sustainable and affordable housing development in Minneapolis.

Event Contact: Julianna Baldo

Event Summary

Housing and Urban Justice Panel
  • Intended For: General Public, Students, Faculty, Staff, Emeriti, Alums, Prospective Students, Families
  • Categories: Diversity, Sustainability, Careers, Student-Sponsored, Lecture/Panel

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