Fall Term
Trick-or-Treat for Canned Goods
Teams of costumed Carls canvas local Northfield neighborhoods in October seeking donations of non-perishable food items to be donated to a local food pantry.
First-Year Buddies
Mortar Board reached out to the first-year class to see if students would be interested in being buddies with a current member. The program is intended to build a relationship between the fourth-year and first-year students on campus. Buddies get to know each other by getting meals and hanging out!
Late Night Bake Sale
Mortar Board sells delicious baked goods late at night in Sayles. Come by and indulge your sweet tooth!
Puppy Palooza
Mortar Board invites Prairie’s Edge Humane Society to provide some furry stress-relief for Carleton students.
Winter Term
Winter Fun
Do you like winter? Do you like hot chocolate? Do you like to throw snowballs at your friends and other strangers without repercussions? Come to Mortar Board’s Winter Fun event to indulge in the winter festivities.
Late Night Bake Sale
Mortar Board sells delicious baked goods late at night in Sayles. Come by and indulge your sweet tooth!
Puppy Palooza
Mortar Board invites Prairie’s Edge Humane Society to provide some furry stress-relief for Carleton students.
Spring Term
Faculty and Staff Appreciation Brunch
Mortar Board and other Carls write thank you letters to every faculty and staff member on campus to thank them for everything they do for Carleton. They get delivered one morning in the Great Hall with baked goods and coffee.
Puppy Palooza
Mortar Board invites Prairie’s Edge Humane Society to provide some furry stress-relief for Carleton students.
Commencement Flower Sales
Each year, Mortar Board sells bouquets of roses and Graduation teddy bears to friends and family of Carleton graduates. Our table is always set up outside of the Commencement location with friendly Mortar Board members ready to help you make your graduate’s day!