Name: Rob Atlas
Nickname: Atlas
Height: 6 feet on a tall day
Weight: Could drop 10
Bra Size: Can’t see the forest for the trees
Favorite Real Sport Position: Left tackle
Favorite Frisbee Position: #2 in the cup
Favorite Republican: Curt Schilling
Favorite GoP Alum: Adam Fagin
Favorite CUTboy: Rupp Rupp Butt Butt Cut
Favorite Hodag Party Move: Top deck the toilet
Favorite Syzygite: S! Y! Z! Y! G-O-P!
Favorite Eclipse Name: Arpita Bhatahsoicajmpovohdgpafhaoshcjhga
Favorite Drink: MSR light
Homies’ Favorite Drink: MSR light
Personal Achievements: Minesweeper on expert in 93 seconds
Favorite Quote (preferably from D-Mac): Anything I write here would only encourage D-Mac
Favorite Real Sport: Blackjack
Favorite Linear Time String-Search Algorithm: Boyer-Moore
Number of 12 year olds you realistically think you could beat up at once: Divide by two add seven
Dumbest thing you’ve ever done (other than playing for GOP): Tie between eating a whole raw onion (three separate times) and pulling a burning log out of a fire with my mouth
Personal Anecdote: I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die
Favorite Element (not Cesium): a[0]