Name: Nathan “Fellowdrama” King
Nickname: Commander Thunder
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
BMI: 23.5
Bra Size: 1,000,000
Favorite Position: O-line cutter
Favorite Republican: Newt Gingrich
Favorite GoP Alum: Gaeten Damberg-Ott
Favorite CUTboy: HURRICANE
Favorite Syzygite: Re-becca Sheridan
Favorite Eclipser: L’il Dinger
Favorite Drink: Corley High Life
Bowling High Score: Double digits, probably
Personal Achievements: Invented beereal
Favorite D-Mac Quote: “Man, that beereal is delicious” (paraphrase)
Favorite Real Sport: Rollerball
Number of 12 year olds you realistically think you could beat up at once: 6. Evidence only confirms 5, but that’s not counting the 3-year old who was born on a leap year.
Dumbest thing you’ve ever done (other than playing for GOP): I once rolled my pinky in a car window to see how it felt.
Personal Anecdote: My dad is Harold Ramis’ lawyer. THE Harold Ramis.
Favorite Element: naquadah
Favorite Leekspin:
Favorite Lord Voldemort: DON’T SAY HIS NAME!
Favorite YouTube video: Gotta do the cooking by the book!
Favorite YTMND: Dear Loser [Chris]