Name: Matt Godfrey
Nickname: Puck
Height: Short
Weight: Shorter
Bra Size: I’m not even an A cup
Favorite Position: Fetal
Favorite Republican: Al Michaels
Favorite GoP Alum: Fruit Pooch or Cochrane
Favorite CUTboy: James
Favorite Syzygite: Taylor
Favorite Eclipser: Molly
Favorite Drink: Caprisun
Bowling High Score: I’ve never bowled whilst high, therefore I have never recorded a score whilst bowling high
Personal Achievements: Memorized the lyrics to My Humps in eighth grade
Favorite Quote (preferably from D-Mac [although if you don’t know who D-Mac is, feel free to use any gopper]): “What’s your first name?… Vomit!… And your last name?… Vomit!” – Frike
Favorite Real Sport: Backyard Baseball
Number of 12 year olds you realistically think you could beat up at once: None, they’re too big for me at that age
Dumbest thing you’ve ever done (other than playing for GOP): Started playing temple run… I can’t stop now
Personal Anecdote: When I was in sixth grade my friend and I switched tables because we looked like each other. No one realized we switched, even though my friend had a broken collarbone.
Favorite YouTube video: