Name: Kevin Michael Draper
Height: 5’10
Weight: Almost the same as Grant Lindsley
Favorite Position: It has been so long I can’t even remember, I’d be grateful for even a missionary quickie
Favorite Frisbee Position: O-Line Nap Time
Favorite Republican: Michelle Malkin
Favorite GoP Alum: Greg Marliave
Favorite CUTboy: Christian Dewey
Favorite Syzygite: Katie Buckner
Favorite Eclipser: Tie between Rockemsockembury and little Dinger
Favorite Drink: Mom I have never drunk alcohol in my life
Bowling High Score: 157
Personal Achievements: Sadly lacking
Favorite D-Mac Quote: “If you hurry to upper love you can catch the end of Bonanza!”
Favorite Real Pussy Euro Sport: Soccer
Number of 12 year olds you realistically think you could beat up at once: Good question!
Dumbest thing you’ve ever done (other than playing for GOP): Shoplifted from Zumiez
Personal Anecdote: One day my dad told me that he had considered naming me either Rocky or Butch. I think he might be serious.
Favorite (University of Washington) Element: Miranda Roth
Favorite YouTube video: