Name:Kevin Cannaday
Weight: 145
Favorite Position:on a landrover
Favorite Republican:Fox News
Favorite GoP Alum:Schmidty
Favorite CUTboy:Grant
Favorite Syzygite: Laurel Schmidt
Favorite Eclipser:Heydinger
Favorite Drink:scotch on the rocks
Bowling High Score: 199
Personal Achievements:I dissected a sheep’s brain once. I also made it to level 27 on tetris. But not in the same day. That would be too awesome
Favorite Quote:You can observe a lot just by watching – Yogi Berra
Favorite Real Sport:Soccer
Number of 12 year olds you realistically think you could beat up at once: 4 if they aren’t hopped up on caffeine
Dumbest thing you’ve ever done (other than playing for GOP): Taking the time to do a rubik’s cube in less than a minute
Personal Anecdote: Turns out is a bad idea to light alcohol and splash it on you. Who knew?
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