Name: Cory Fauver
Height: 5.7291 feet
Weight: 4.152050263*10^28 Daltons
Favorite Position: Dancing
Ultimate Position: D-line handler
Favorite Animal: Lynx
Favorite Republican: Sarah Palin
Favorite GoP Alum: Tally
Favorite Drink: Tostitos Hint of Lime
Bowling High Score: My friend got 277
Personal Achievements: catching the goal on universe to beat Minnesota
Favorite D-Mac Quote: “Every time I go home and my mom asks if I need anything, I just say ‘More underwear’ and she doesn’t remember the last time”
Favorite Real Sport: Soccer
Dumbest thing you’ve ever done (other than playing for GOP): Running to the KRLX studio to continue the LNTshark.
Personal Anecdote: I jumped over a campfire and singed most of the hair on my face and head. The tips of my beard did look cool though. D-Mac claimed that my hair was on fire and proceeded to pour beer on me.
Favorite Element: THORium
Favorite YouTube video: