Name: Abe
Nickname: beb
Hometown: Triforce
Height: 5’11
Weight: 190
Favorite Position: Low libido
Favorite GoP Alum: Cory
Favorite CUTboy: Henway Fishbowl. Also the fan favorite Sol “Talks Loudly to Women he Just Met” Yanuck
Favorite Syzigite: Ryan <3
Favorite Person who plays for Eclipse: I hardly know her
Favorite Drink: more water
Favorite Hot Nova: Miko if he gives me the single in Eugs
Bowling High Score: How many points do you get for a gutterball
Personal Achievements: Received a language disability waiver from Carleton College
Favorite Quotation:
“I don’t know if you’re just fucking with me at this point, but I’m going to give you a TMF if you don’t back up.” -Observer
Favorite Real Sport: School
Number of 12 year olds you realistically think you could beat up at once: Ask my little brother (hint: 0)
Dumbest thing you’ve ever done (other than playing for GOP): Funny enough, I’ve actually never done a dumb thing
Personal Anecdote: One time in 6th grade Language Arts I got bored and accidentally stapled my thumbs together
Favorite youtube video: https://vine.co/v/eABlIBt3Owj