Name: Andrew Kaplan
Nickname: Tally, Daisy Princess
Height: 6′ 4″
Weight: 195
Position: Permanent Mark
Republican: Andrew Weiner
GoP Alum: BJJ
Syzygite: Farmhouse Ladies (Dylan, Nicky, Julia, & Jessie)
Eclipser: Becky Leichtling
Drink: Evan Williams
Quote: “Lots of gay guys have girlfriends.” – Greg “” Findlay
Real Sport: Beirut
Masturbatory Euphemism: Not not masturbating
YouTube video: , Mambo’s brother is funny.
Bowling High Score: 207
Personal Achievements: Got a D on “the best handler in the country”. Does that make me “the best handler-D in the country”? Yes.
Number of 12 year olds you realistically think you could beat up at once: 0. I’m a peaceful hippie.
Dumbest thing you’ve ever done: Decide to elephant-box Carbomb after my first GoPSocial