Name: Brendan Laliberte
Nickname: Ajax
Hometown: Fargo, North Dakota
Height: 6’5”
Weight: 183
Favorite Position: Fetal or Prone
Favorite Republican: Ronald Reagan
Favorite GoP Alum: Coach Massad
Favorite CUTboy: Mickey
Favorite Syzygite: Occulation
Favorite Eclipser: Penumbral Eclipse
Favorite Drink: Coconut Water
Bowling High Score: 132
Personal Achievements: Sleeping for 26 hours straight, and 2018 Economics Individual Comp. State Champion
Favorite Quote: “Crying: Acceptable at funerals and the Grand Canyon.” – Ron Swanson
Favorite Real Sport: Basketball
Number of 12-year-olds you realistically think you could beat up at once: 14
Dumbest thing you’ve ever done (other than playing for GOP): When I was 7, I broke my leg jumping off my roof to dunk a basketball.
Personal Anecdote: Last winter, I went on a camping trip with my best friends in the Canadian Glacier National Park. We were hiking to the camp grounds about five miles from where we had parked when I heard some twigs snap off to the left of us in the woods. I turned to see an 8 foot tall grizzly stand on its hind legs roughly 50 feet away. I whispered, “bear” and my friends and I stood still for 30 minutes until the bear had left.
Favorite YouTube video: Africa by Toto Music Video. Look it