Student Life Events are aggregated from calendars spread across our division.
February 2023
Wed 22
- 2:00pm SWA Dog Case - 1h
- 3:15pm Koru Mindfulness 2.0 - 1h 15m
- 7:00pm Peer Leader Info Panel - 1h
Thu 23
- 12:00pm Pathways to Pre-doctoral Opportunities in Quantitative Social Sciences Info Session - 1h
- 12:00pm Thankful Thursday Tabling - 1h
Fri 24
- 2:00pm SWA Dog Maisy - 1h
- 4:00pm Tea Time with the GSC! - 1h
- 4:30pm Comfort Food Friday - 1h 30m
Mon 27
Tue 28
- 10:00am SHAC Testing Tuesday - 6h
- 11:00am Help our students build their skills – Become a Tutor for Ampact Tabling at Sayles - 2h
- 11:30am Minnesota Army National Guard Tabling at Sayles - 1h 30m
- 12:00pm SWA Dog Manny - 1h
- 12:00pm Unpacking Rape Culture - 1h
- 4:00pm Discussion Circle on Trans Youth Healthcare - 1h
March 2023
Wed 1
- 2:00pm SWA Dog Case - 1h
- 3:15pm Koru Mindfulness 2.0 - 1h 15m
Thu 2
- 9:00am 1:1 Mock Interview with Stephen Hayes at MIAC Analytics - 7h
- 12:00pm Thankful Thursday Tabling - 1h
- 3:00pm Green Dot 90 Minute Overview - 1h 30m
- 3:00pm Reference Librarian Drop-In Hours - 2h
Fri 3
- 2:00pm SWA Dog Maisy - 1h
- 4:00pm Tea Time with the GSC! - 1h
Tue 7
- 10:00am SHAC Testing Tuesday - 6h
- 12:00pm SWA Dog Manny - 1h
Wed 8
- 2:00pm SWA Dog Case - 1h
Thu 9
- 12:00pm End of Term Celebration - 1h
Fri 10
- 10:30am Smoothie Study Break - 3h 30m
- 12:00pm GSC Peer Leader Open House & Study Break! - 1h
- 2:00pm SWA Dog Maisy - 1h
Tue 14
- 10:00am SHAC Testing Tuesday - 6h
- 12:00pm SWA Dog Manny - 1h
Wed 15
- 2:00pm SWA Dog Case - 1h
Thu 16
Sat 18
- 7:00pm Korean Cooking Night - 2h
Mon 20
- 11:30am ISL: Walking Tacos/Elote Lunch - 2h
Tue 21
- 10:00am SHAC Testing Tuesday - 6h
- 7:00pm ISL: Puzzle Competition Night - 3h
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2025 Winter Term begins January 6