Oct 17

Queer Mental Health Collective (QMHC)

Thu, October 17, 2024 • 12:00pm • Sayles-Hill 251
Queer Mental Health Collective Group Poster

Talk about LGBTQIA+ experiences and mental health over food!

The Queer Mental Health Collective is a safe space for LGBTQIA+ students to form community through conversation and actively supporting another one's mental health and well-being. We believe shared spaces can be healing for those living with the effect of queer/transphobia and other social injustices at individual, community, and systemic levels. QMHC is led by staff from  Student Health and Counseling, Office of Health Promotion, and the Gender & Sexuality Center. No registration is required.

from Student Health and Counseling

Event Contact: Alissa Petee

Event Summary

Queer Mental Health Collective (QMHC)
  • Intended For: Students
  • Categories: Meeting/Conference/Workshop

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