Apr 18

Alumni of Color Panel

Thu, April 18, 2024 • 5:30pm - 7:00pm (1h 30m) • Weitz Center 236;For more information or to register, see Handshake

The alumni panel of color, co-hosted by the Black Student Alliance, the African Caribbean Association, and the Career Center, is intended to provide a space for students of color to connect with recent graduates and network. This event aims to allow students and alumni of color to interact, network, and share resources that could be useful to current students.

There will be a series of questions for the panelists to answer that have been presented by students, as well as an informal conversation that will take place over dinner. We hope to generate great discussions and meaningful networks by providing this space for students!

Carleton alumni panelists:
Aiana Whitfield ‘23
Jaxon Alston ‘23
Emanuel Williams ‘20
Josh Angevine’21

from Career Center Events

Event Contact: Sarah Rechtzigel

Event Summary

Alumni of Color Panel
  • Intended For: General Public, Students, Faculty, Staff, Emeriti, Alums, Prospective Students, Families
  • Categories: Diversity, Careers, Meeting/Conference/Workshop, Gathering, food offered

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