Jan 28

Career Jam: Finding, applying, and interviewing for summer opportunities

Sat, January 28, 2023 • 10:00am - 2:00pm (4h) • Anderson Hall 121; For more information or to register, see Handshake

Student career assistants and career coaches will help you to find an opportunity and level up your résumé and application materials. We will also have coaches available for virtual mock interviews.

Sign up for a virtual practice interview with a coach on Saturday - which you can do from anywhere!

At the event in Anderson, you can work on your job and internship search in a supportive environment. We will be available to share how to find an opportunity, help you to prepare your application materials, and answer specific questions you may have. We want you to leave the event ready to take the next step, whether it be pressing send on an application or gearing up for an interview.

We'll be there to meet you wherever you are! Feel free to drop in and stay for as long as you would like.

We will have bagels and cream cheese from the best bagel shop in Minneapolis at 10 AM. We'll provide local pizza at 12 noon.

from Career Center Events

Event Contact: rleatham

Event Summary

Career Jam: Finding, applying, and interviewing for summer opportunities
  • Intended For: Students
  • Categories: Info Session/Fair, food offered

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