- Only Rising Seniors are eligible for Northfield Option. Class status is determined by the Registrar. A change in class year will result in a new lottery number coinciding with the class year being issued.
- Approved summer residents who are also Northfield Option are not eligible to remain in campus housing after a specific date. View the Summer Housing/Early Arrival Housing information for more specific date constraints prior to signing a lease.
- Northfield Option will be offered based on lottery number with number 1001 being the best number.
- A lottery number may only be used once.
- The total number of Northfield Option spaces available is determined by the overall college occupancy and may vary each year.
- A rising senior may apply for Northfield Option as an individual or as part of a group. City Ordinances determine the number of occupants in any one rental unit. If students need to be added to or removed from a group after discussing lease options, please contact Residential Life to coordinate changes.
- All members of a group approved must live together at the same address and in the same rental unit or apartment.
- The rising senior whose number is used to draw a Group Northfield Option must remain in Northfield housing for at least one term. Only if all members of the Group Northfield Option Request agree to return to campus housing and, if there is space available in College-owned housing, will that person(s) be readmitted to on campus housing.
- A student included on the Group Northfield Option Request may decline to take Northfield Option. If a member of your Northfield Option group leaves the space for any reason (i.e. term abroad, early graduation, etc.) it is unlikely that another student will be granted Northfield Option to fill their space unless this has been previously arranged with the Office of Residential Life. Students who sign the original lease are responsible for that lease, so any changes (including financial) will be up to those students to figure out.
- Students/Groups approved for Northfield Option will be given two weeks from the date of offer to accept or decline Northfield Option. No student will be given an extension. Students who miss the deadline will be required to add their name to the waitlist if they still wish to have Northfield Option.
- Each member in the Group accepting Northfield Option are required to submit an Acceptance Form.
- If the student whose lottery number was used to apply declines the award, the remaining members of the group must re apply using the next best lottery number and will be added to the waitlist.
- Students accepting Northfield Option are required by the College to provide the address at which they will be living and a phone number they can be contacted with. A directory suppress can be arranged by contacting the Dean of Students Office.
- Students not initially approved for Northfield Option will be waitlisted by lottery number.
- Students applying after the deadline will be wait-listed by time and date of submission. Students on the waitlist will only receive Northfield Option offers if and when it is determined that additional space is required in College-owned housing.
- Students are not approved to live off-campus until an offer is made and an acceptance letter is submitted.