Carleton is a residential College with the majority of the student body residing on campus. However, each year a limited number of rising seniors can apply to live in private apartments through the Northfield Option Program. The total number of Northfield Option spaces is determined by the overall College occupancy and varies by year. Offers are made based on Housing Lottery Number.

Like Room Draw, rising seniors will be able to select up to five other seniors to include in their Northfield Option Group. All members of a group must live at the same address in the same rental unit. Rising seniors will receive application information along with their Housing Lottery Number in the month of February. 

How to Apply

Northfield Option will be offered to rising seniors only. The student whose Housing Lottery Number is being used for the group should serve as the main contact and submit the application by the deadline. The following information will be required for an application to be considered:

  • An application must include the student whose Housing Lottery Number will be used to apply. *Students should apply using the best Housing Lottery Number of the group.
  • All students applying as part of a group must be listed and Carleton email addresses must be included.
  • Eligible students who are applying to participate in Northfield Option should review the Northfield Options Guidelines before applying.

A signed lease agreement does not guarantee that you will get Northfield Option. Do not sign a lease for off-campus housing unless you receive a Northfield Option Offer Letter from Residential Life.

Groups Awarded Northfield Option

Groups that are awarded Northfield Option can begin the next step of searching for an apartment and signing a Rental Lease Agreement. Students are encouraged to review the Northfield Option Considerations prior to signing a lease. Once a lease is signed, the students named in the Lease Agreement assume full responsibility for the housing arrangements.

Students who receive an Northfield Option Offer Letter from Residential Life will have two weeks to secure an apartment and submit a confirmation that they are accepting Northfield Option.

Northfield Option Waitlist

Rising seniors who apply by the deadline but whose Housing Lottery Numbers did not qualify them or their application group for an offer letter will be added to a waitlist. Groups or individuals that have been waitlisted will be offered in order starting with the next lowest Housing Lottery Number.

Seniors who apply for Northfield Option after the deadline will no longer be offered based on their lottery number but rather on a “first come, first served” basis according to request date. Email to be considered for the waitlist.

2024 Application Timeline

  • Wednesday, February 28
    Northfield Option applications due. A link to the application was emailed to rising seniors along with their Housing Lottery Number.
  • Thursday, February 29
    All seniors who submit a Northfield Option application will be notified via email the group has been awarded Northfield Option or if the group has been added to the waitlist.
  • Wednesday, March 13
    Northfield Option Acceptance Forms due. All students in the group must complete an Acceptance Form and be listed on the Lease Agreement. Failure to respond by the deadline is interpreted as declining Northfield Option and an offer will be extended to another student.