Carleton’s Residential Program offers countless amenities that make living on campus comfortable and low-maintenance for students. Additionally, Residential Life partners with many offices that cater to students who are in search of more sustainable ways of furnishing their space such as the Lighten Up Sale, the Winter Wardrobe, and more! View the Packing List and consider connecting with your roommate prior to purchasing new items.

Roughly 20% of students living on campus live in a campus house setting. These spaces provide a more independent living-experience for upper-class students. Some of these houses are thematic and center a specific interest or identity shared by the residents, while others are standard draw spaces. Students applying for or drawing into these locations can expect to participate in weekly house meetings, housekeeping responsibilities, and general in-house programming.

Storage is available for students participating in an Off Campus Studies Program, international students, and students for whom bringing personal belongings off campus is a challenge. Nearly 60 percent of students utilize on campus storage at some point during the academic year. Furniture, battery operated transportation devices, and bikes are not permitted in storage.

With nearly 96% of students living on campus each term, it is important that students are informed about how to maintain safety in and outside of their residence halls, how to navigate emergencies, and how to seek help.