Welcome Carleton Class of 2028!
Please read this page in its entirety before submitting any information.
See the additional detailed instructions in PDFs attached to this page and the video tutorials that provide a general overview of these processes.
Please access the mySHAC patient portal (using your Carleton Username and Password) and complete two required items by July 1, 2024:
- Enter your Immunization Information AND upload your Immunization Record.
- Complete the online Tuberculosis (TB) Risk Assessment Form.
IMPORTANT: Please carefully read the following before submitting your information online.
All incoming Carleton students are REQUIRED to:
- Submit a hard copy of your immunization records. This can be uploaded to your mySHAC patient portal. Please do not forget this important step.
- Submit date of one (1) dose of immunization against meningococcal (Menactra, Menomune, Menveo, or other A,C,Y,W-135), either initial or booster, administered upon or after reaching age 16.
- Submit dates of two (2) doses of immunization against measles, mumps and rubella (MMR or individual vaccines). Dose #1 given at age 12 months or later; Dose #2 given at least 28 days after first dose.
- Submit date of (1) dose of immunization against tetanus and diphtheria (TDAP preferred, Td Booster also acceptable) received on or after September 1, 2014.
- Lastly, complete the online Tuberculosis (TB) Risk Assessment form. If you answer “Yes” to any of the Risk Assessment questions, you will then need to meet with your health care provider and ask them to complete and sign the TB Clinical Documentation Form. Submit this form along with results of an Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) blood test (recommended, especially for international students) or a Tuberculin Skin Test (TST/PPD/Mantoux), and chest x-ray (if applicable), performed after March 15, 2024.
After entering the above vaccination dates, upload a copy of your Immunization Record (from your health care provider, school or similar) using the mySHAC patient portal.
Note: If you do not complete your Immunization Information and the Tuberculosis (TB) Risk Assessment Form online or if you are not compliant with all the required immunizations, you will not be allowed to register for Winter Term classes. Based on individual circumstances, there may be other requirements or recommendations.
Recommended Vaccines for 2024-2025
The COVID-19 vaccine is recommended, but is NOT required.
The seasonal influenza vaccine is recommended, but is NOT required.
Flu shots and other immunizations are available on-campus multiple times throughout the year, beginning fall term. Check our immunization webpage for specific dates. Students can also get vaccines at local pharmacies and clinics in Northfield.
About Meningococcal Vaccines:
- Some meningococcal vaccines for adolescents are quadrivalent, designed to protect against four serogroups (A, C, W, and Y), while others help protect against one serogroup (B). There are currently no meningococcal vaccines that can help protect against all common serogroups that cause most meningococcal disease. Consistent with CDC recommendations, we require one dose of the quadrivalent meningococcal vaccine for incoming students.
- Meningitis B was responsible for several meningitis outbreaks on college campuses in the U. S. in recent years. There are two Meningitis B vaccines available in the U.S.: Trumenba and Bexsero. Students and families who wish to receive this vaccine should consult with their health care provider. At this time, we do not require meningitis B vaccines for incoming students.
Note to International Students:
- If possible, complete the required immunizations and TB testing before leaving your country. Immunizations and other medical treatments may be more costly in the United States. The Carleton Student Injury & Sickness Plan may cover required immunizations in certain circumstances. However, there will be expenses if you need to have a Tuberculin Skin Test (TST, PPD, or Mantoux), IGRA blood test or a chest x-ray in the United States.
- International students needing immunizations upon arrival on campus should make an appointment at SHAC to review immunization coverage provided by the Carleton Student Injury & Sickness Plan.
- All students from countries with a high incidence of TB (as well as those students who have a history of BCG vaccination) that have not had an IGRA blood test will be required to attend a TB screening appointment at SHAC (Ground Level, Davis Hall)–date to be determined. Students who cannot attend MUST make an appointment within two weeks of their arrival at Carleton. During that session, students will discuss their risk factors with one of SHAC’s health care providers and will be required to have an IGRA test. At this time the IGRA test is covered by Carleton’s Student Injury & Sickness Plan for International students only.
- Students from countries where an IGRA blood test is not available must still submit the TB Clinical Documentation Form with results of a Tuberculin Skin Test (TST, PPD, or Mantoux) performed after March 15, 2024, due to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations.
Advisable: Upload a copy of your Insurance Card and verify local coverage
While your Insurance Card is NOT needed for any medical or counseling visit to SHAC, it may be useful to have on file in the event that you need to utilize outside lab services or seek care off-campus. Please upload an image of both the front AND back of your card.
Verify insurance coverage locally by calling your insurance company. Clinics in Northfield include Allina and Northfield Hospital and Clinics. The reference lab we use for lab work at SHAC is LabCorp (Laboratory Corporation of America)
Contact information:
Student Health and Counseling
Carleton College
One North College Street
Northfield, MN 55057
(507) 222-4080
(507) 222-5038 [FAX]
Secure Messaging System:
Since e-mail is not a secure medium, SHAC uses a protected e-messaging system for students to communicate confidentially with medical and counseling staff at SHAC. To access this system, visit the mySHAC patient portal and log in using your Carleton Username and Password.
When you receive a secure message from SHAC staff, a notification directing you to the web portal will appear in your Carleton e-mail account. You will be notified via an e-mail with a subject line titled “mySHAC Patient Portal: New Message”. To ensure that your e-mail provider accepts these messages, make sure you enter the originating e-mail address (<CarletonSHAC@medicat.com>) into your address book. Please make a habit of reading ALL Secure Messages as they may contain important and time-sensitive information regarding your health care.
Additional information:
Flu shots and other immunizations are available on-campus multiple times throughout the year, beginning fall term. Check our immunization webpage for specific dates.
From the Minnesota Department of Health:
- Information on Minnesota’s College Immunization Law
- Meningococcal Disease and the Vaccine: What College Students need To Know
- Hepatitis Disease Information
Tutorials: How to use mySHAC
Please watch the tutorial videos for more information about the mySHAC patient portal.