Apr 27

Change and Transitions

Wed, April 27, 2022 • 4:00pm - 5:00pm (1h) • TBD

Change and Transitions is an opportunity for seniors to meet as a group and talk through the challenges in moving forward, accepting the multitude of emotions when you are in your senior spring. This group is for you to recognize you are not alone with these highly charged and changing emotions and allows you to collaborate and process it with other seniors. Change and Transitions is a way to be proactive in your mental wellbeing while allowing space to process the ongoing challenges you are experiencing throughout this transition. The therapists will guide weekly check-ins and provide a space for you to receive feedback and support to manage future changes and transitions as you launch away from college. The Change and Transitions group will consist of 5-10 students.

Event Summary

Change and Transitions
  • Intended For: Students
  • Categories: Training/Orientation

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