SHAC’s Clinical Case Manager meets with students that need case management services. Case management services include connecting with various resources on and off campus, including off campus medical and mental health providers, navigating insurance claims and medical bills, and navigating the healthcare system as a whole. The case manager helps students learn the skills of connecting with insurance companies, patient accounts offices, and area health care facilities. To avoid a lapse in care, the case manager may arrange “bridge” counseling services for students who are in the process of connecting with an off-campus mental health resource. They can also help students with complex mental health or physical health needs navigate their care while on campus. This guidance helps students learn tools for independently managing their health care in the future. The Clinical Case Manager also assists a student’s transition back to campus after hospitalization or a medical leave of absence from the College. This service helps ensure that the student has appropriate follow-up care arranged before returning to campus, to assist with a smooth transition back to Carleton.

To make an appointment with our clinical case manager, call SHAC at 507-222-4080 or schedule a case management appointment through your MySHAC portal.

For assistance with applying for MNsure and other MNsure procedures, contact HealthFinders Collaborative (HFC). HFC is a community health center in Northfield which provides a comprehensive primary access point to health services.

Insurance 101

Please watch the following tutorial video for more information about navigating the world of health insurance. Insurance 101 is a short presentation designed by Student Health and Counseling (SHAC) to help you ask the right questions about your health insurance and understand the answers. This is important information you will need to know when seeking care off-campus.

Tutorial video with information about navigating the world of health insurance when seeking care off-campus.