Welcome to Student Health and Counseling (SHAC), part of the Division of Student Life
SHAC is open for services Monday–Friday from 8 a.m.–5 p.m. during the academic terms. The clinic is closed for appointments during academic breaks.
SHAC Medical Services
Appointments, Same Day Care, and Phone Triage
SHAC Counseling Services
Individual and Group Therapy, Skills-based workshops, Video Series, and other Online Resources
SHAC Case Management Services
Mental and Medical Service Navigation on and off-campus, Insurance Guidance, Provider Searches, and Resource Connection
SHAC Psychiatry Services
Mental health medication management with our psychiatric nurse practitioner
More information on the new virtual health and wellbeing platform for students.
Forms and Policies
Release of information, minor consent to treat, immunization forms, and more, as well as SHAC policies.