Who Receives Student Employment Assignments?

  • First-year students who have student employment awarded as part of their financial aid package and have completed the Student Employment Interest Form.
  • Returning students who have been requested by a Student Supervisor OR completed the Student Employment Interest Form.
  • Non-aid students who have completed the Student Employment Interest Form.

Generally, there are more students wanting to work than there are open positions. If a student is awarded work as part of a financial aid package, the student has the opportunity to earn up to the awarded amount. Because of factors such as class schedule and the number of open positions, a student might not be able to earn the full amount. Students who are assigned work as part of their financial aid package will be assigned to known open positions before non-need students are considered.

Leaves of Absence or Withdrawal and Student Employment

A leave of absence is a temporary interruption in a student’s program of study and refers to the specific time period when a student is not in attendance and pursuing academic work at the College. Students who have taken a leave are not eligible to work or live at the college until the term of enrollment as indicated in their readmission letter. Read more about the policy on the Dean of Students website.

Student Employment Assignments

First-year students work on average 7-8 hours/week and returning students work on average 9-10 hours/wk. During the summer prior to each academic year, student employment positions are assigned to students who have student employment awarded as part of their financial aid package and have completed the Student Employment Interest Form.

Student work assignments are emailed to all students assigned to positions by mid-August.

Once hired, you will complete all onboarding tasks in Workday. Onboarding tasks include completion of I-9 and W-4 web forms. You will need to present your original documents in person to Human Resources (Strong House) to verify your employment eligibility BEFORE you begin training and/or working in the student employment program at Carleton.

Students can view available positions at Student Job Postings.

Refusing All or Part of Your Work Assignment

Students may refuse part of their student employment award for any term or the entire academic year. If you decide to refuse part of your student employment award, contact the Student Financial Aid Office (studentemployment@carleton.edu).

Whenever you refuse your student employment award, you will be forfeiting those earnings, and such a decision should be made in consultation with your parent(s) or guardian(s), as it may impact the amount of money that the family will need to pay toward the tuition bill.

Should you change your mind and decide later that you want to work, it is not guaranteed you will be assigned to your original position or be assigned a new position.

Forms Which MUST be Complete before Beginning Work

Federal I-9 Forms

With the passage of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, every employer in the United States must check the legal status of all employees, including student employees, hired to work after November 6, 1986, or face the threat of criminal penalties.

You will complete the I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification form, as part of your onboarding tasks in Workday. Once the I-9 step is completed in Workday, you will need to present your original documents (no copies or pictures) in person, to Human Resources to verify your eligibility for employment BEFORE you can begin training or working.  Human Resources is located in Strong House, corner of College Street and 2nd Street. A list of acceptable forms of identification can be found on page three of the I-9 form. Please note that if you do not choose to use documentation under List A you will need to provide a form of documentation from both List B and List C. 


All employees are required by the Internal Revenue Service to complete both a Federal and Minnesota W-4 form. The W-4 forms will be completed as part of your onboarding tasks in Workday.

Visit the Human Resources webpage for full information on the I-9 and W-4 Forms. Questions can be sent to humanresources@carleton.edu.

You must earn a certain dollar amount before tax withholding will take effect. This threshold is figured for each individual pay period, and is not based on cumulative earnings throughout the year. 

Unlike wages earned during academic terms, wages earned during breaks are subject to both FICA and Medicare taxes, as well as federal and state withholdings

All student wages are taxable income, whether paid to you or credited to your tuition account, and will be reported on your W-2 Form at the end of each calendar year. This includes both federal and state taxes.

Consequences to You of Not Completing the W-4 Form

By law, anyone who has not completed a W-4 Form will be considered to have claimed zero (0) allowances and their earnings will be taxed accordingly.

International Students

There are specific federal income tax withholding laws in effect for students who are not U.S. Citizens. The Business Office uses an online tax compliance system called GLACIER, which facilitates the completion of form W-4. During New Student Orientation week, all international students are introduced to GLACIER and are given individual online access. If you have questions, please contact Shari Mayer (507) 222-4022.

Direct Deposit or Payroll Deduction Forms

You have a choice of having your work earnings electronically deposited into a U.S. checking or savings account, or applying it to your tuition account. Since Carleton College does not issue paper paychecks, all students therefore must have a domestic U.S. checking or savings account for direct deposit of payroll earnings.

Instructions can be found on the SEAMS website, under Workday for Students.

Disabilities That Interfere with Your Job

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer, to request a workplace accommodation please contact the Office of Accessibility Resources at 507-222-4464 or OAR@carleton.edu

Student Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of each student employee to:

  • Complete the I-9 Form and in-person verification before beginning your first job on campus and all onboarding tasks in Workday.
  • Record your work hours on your Workday time sheet at the end of each work shift. You can also view an approximate number of hours you have remaining for the academic year on the Hub. You are not allowed to work beyond your authorized student employment award. Your assignment will end once you have earned that amount.
  • Contact your supervisor prior to the first day of classes each term to arrange your work schedule. Entering first-year students should meet with their work supervisor(s) during the time set aside for that purpose during New Student Week.
  • Report to the Student Financial Aid Office all job changes which occur throughout the year and complete the required online work transfer before you begin working at your new job.
  • Report to work as scheduled, and on time.
  • Personally contact your supervisor as early in the workday as possible, and according to your supervisors instructions, if you will be absent from work due to illness or conflicts.
  • Ask your supervisor if you wish to revise your work schedule or take time off from work.
  • Perform your job assignments to the best of your ability. Ask questions if you are uncertain about what to do or how a task should be done. Avoid socializing on the job, and use the telephone and computer for business purposes only. Be courteous to your supervisor and all co-workers.
  • Dress appropriately. Consult with your supervisor as to the type of dress that is suitable for your particular position.
  • Maintain confidentiality of student and College records to which you have access as part of your campus job. In some cases, your supervisor may require you to sign a confidentiality statement. Any breach of this confidentiality agreement will result in immediate termination, which will become part of your permanent record in the Dean of Students Office.
  • Discuss any work-related problems or questions you might have with your supervisor. If you and your supervisor cannot resolve the problem, contact Student Financial Aid.

Transferring Jobs From One Department to Another

If you decide to transfer your job assignment you will need to notify your current supervisor and submit a Work Transfer Form. Communicating with your supervisor is very important so this transition can be managed for all parties. Departments MAY require a two-week notice before approving any transfer. However, there are times that a supervisor may not release you from your current assignment because your employment is crucial to the department and it would put an undue burden on the supervisor, the department or the remaining student employees.

Work Transfers

Transferring hours from one position to another is an online process that begins on the Student Work Transfer Request page. Both supervisors need to approve the transfer. The new supervisor must submit a Hire request so that the student can be set up in Workday. Students will get an email notification when both supervisors have approved the change. Once the hire request has been processed the student will see the updated work assignment by logging into Workday.

Student Financial Aid must approve the transfer and process the hire request from the new supervisor . You can not begin your new position until this process is complete and you see the new position in Workday.

Student Employment and Off-Campus Programs

During terms in which you are enrolled on campus in the SAME academic year as your program, you may be eligible to work up to 15 hours per week to make up lost work earnings.  Contact studentemployment@carleton.edu if you would like to make up lost hours. Please note that Residential Assistants (RAs) are not eligible for this option.  

If it is not possible to earn close to the full amount awarded in student employment due to the length of time you will be participating in an off-campus program, you may submit a written request for a loan for the unearned amount.

Residential Assistants

Residential Assistants (RAs) are considered to have all their student employment hours fulfilled. Therefore no additional campus employment may be worked outside of the RA position. RA’s are not eligible to make up hours due to participating in an off-campus program.

Student Time Sheets

Once you have been hired to work in a department, you will record your time worked in Workday . CAUTION: Record your hours worked under the correct position in Workday. Students with multiple jobs will toggle between them to record time worked in each job. You are encouraged to use the Workday check-in/check-out option to record hours worked. Both you and your work supervisor must approve timesheets.

Termination of Student Employees

If you are not showing up for work, or are not completing your work satisfactorily, it is the right of your supervisor to terminate your employment.

Procedure for Terminating Student Employees

The following process represents a normal termination process. This is the minimum that is required for termination however individual supervisors or departments might have a longer more involved process before termination occurs. If a student commits an egregious act such as stealing or falsifying a timesheet, termination happens immediately and does not have to go through the process outlined below.

  1. Verbal warning and discussion of the problem: If your supervisor is not satisfied with your attendance record or job performance, they should discuss the matter with you, and detail exactly how they expect you to correct the problem(s).
  2. Written warning: If the problem continues, your supervisor will issue you a written warnings stating precisely what the unacceptable behavior or performance is, exactly what change is required on your part, and a date by which your behavior or performance must improve in order to prevent you from losing your job. A copy of each warning letter will become a part of your permanent file in the Dean of Students Office.
  3. Termination: If your attendance or job performance still does not improve, the supervisor has a right to terminate your employment.

If a supervisor has terminated you, you will not receive any help in securing alternative employment. Any correspondence in regard to the termination will become a part of the student’s permanent academic record.

Grievance Procedure

Students are considered employees of the college and should follow the Colleges process for filing a grievance. Refer to the Colleges Grievance Procedures.

The Whistleblower Policy applies to student employees as well. 

Student Work Evaluations

Before you complete your work assignment for the academic year, your supervisor has the opportunity to complete a Student Employee Evaluation Form. Supervisors that complete an evaluation should review it with you. Some departments may have different procedures.

At the end of the performance review, the form should be signed by both you and your supervisor. Your signature does NOT indicate that you agree with your supervisor’s evaluation of your work. It merely indicates that you have had a chance to see and review the evaluation form. All of your Student Employee Evaluation Forms become part of your permanent file in the Dean of Students Office.

There is a box on the bottom of the back of the form. You should indicate whether you DO or DO NOT authorize the information contained in the evaluation to be shared with future campus supervisors who may wish to hire you. You must also sign and date the evaluation form. If either or both of these elements are missing, the evaluation will be treated as if you HAD NOT authorized the release of information, and the contents WILL NOT be shared with other supervisors on campus.

NOTE: This authorization to release or not release information on student evaluations pertains ONLY to on-campus supervisors. Circling “Do Not” will not prohibit the information from being shared with future off-campus employers who request job performance information, references, recommendations or evaluations.

Student Rights Regarding Evaluation Forms

If you receive what you feel is an unfair performance review, you have the option of writing a letter explaining the situation from your perspective. Your letter should be sent to the Dean of Students Office with a written request that it become part of your file and be included with your supervisor’s evaluation whenever that information is shared with prospective employers.

Accidents and Injuries on the Job

Carleton complies with federal and state OSHA regulations. Supervisors and student employees are expected to comply with all safety laws, rules and regulations. Students should immediately report any unsafe working conditions, equipment or practices to your supervisor. You must wear any and all required protective gear while on the job. Fire protection and prevention practices must be complied with at all times.

All on-the-job accidents or injuries, no matter how small, MUST be reported to your supervisor and to Human Resources within 24 hours of their occurrence. Report the injury to Human Resources using the Student / Student Employee Illness / Injury Report

Breaks and Meal Hours

You are allowed one 15-minute paid break for every consecutive four-hour shift. Meal periods are different than paid rest periods. If a meal break occurs during a student’s shift, you may take the break with the supervisor’s permission, but will not be paid for that period of time.

The College requires those working more than six hours each day to take an unpaid meal period. Unpaid meal periods are typically one hour in length but may not be less than one-half hour. Students must record the start and end time of their meal period on their timesheets.

Holiday Pay/Departmental & College Closures

If the College is closed for an official holiday, such as Juneteenth, the 4th of July or Labor Day, students should not work or report time.  Students are not benefit eligible and do not receive holiday pay for the days the College is closed.  You’ll find a complete list of College Holidays on the Human Resources webpage. In rare circumstances, a student may be performing an essential service and scheduled to work in which case they will receive their normal wage. Students may request to make up missed hours during the same work week by arrangement with their supervisor.

Likewise, if the college or department officially closes for any reason, including winter storms or other weather-related events, students do not receive pay for the work missed. Students are paid for hours worked.  However, a student may use accrued Earned Sick and Safe Time if available. Students may also have the opportunity to make up lost hours.  Arrangements must be made with their supervisor.

Sexual Harassment

The State of Minnesota defines sexual harassment as follows:

Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexually motivated physical contact, or other verbal or physical conduct of communication of a sexual nature when:

  • Submission to that conduct or communication is made a term or condition, either explicitly or implicitly, of obtaining employment, education or
  • Submission to or rejection of such conduct or communication by an individual is used as a factor in decisions affecting that individual’s employment (or) education;

That conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s employment or education or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive employment or educational environment and in the case of employment, the employer knows or should know of the existence of the harassment and fails to take timely and appropriate action.

Refer to the College’s Policy Against Sexual Misconduct.