Yearly Student Employment Allocation Process

The allocation process for student employment budgets (term and break) follows the established budget process used to request funding for departmental budgets. This online process begins with completing the Budget Request Form at the Vice President and Treasurer’s Office website. One of the budget forms specifically requests a department’s student employment needs.

As always, grant funded positions are outside of this process. The normal allocation process is as follows:

October: Requests for student employment needs are solicited as part of the recurring budget process. There will be a separate area specifically asking for projected student employment needs.

November – December: Requests are reviewed and initial allocations made to each department. Recommendations are made to the Budget Committee.

February: Trustees approve college budget for the forthcoming year.

March: Depending on budget approval, adjustments may be made to allocations if needed.

April: Student Employment allocation and budget information is communicated to department supervisors. Summer break and following year student employee requests are solicited.

June: All departmental and student employment budgets for the following academic year are released to the Hub.