Student Work budgets follow the normal departmental budget cycle. New budgets become available as of July 1st of every year. Anytime a student employee’s hours are paid July 1st or later, then those hours are paid out of the budget year that July 1st starts. Hours worked in June could be and often are paid from the following year’s budget even though the hours are worked in the preceding budget year.
Summer break begins June 6th. You have a student worker beginning that day. However, that pay period is paid on July 1st. All of the hours that student works from June 6th on are coming from the following year’s budget and not the budget year that June is completing.
Summer break begins June 4th. You have a student worker beginning that day. That pay period is paid on June 29th. Therefore that two week pay period is paid from the break budget of the year that June is completing and not the following budget year that is beginning July 1st.
Student Financial Services will guide supervisors in the student request email about which budget student employees will be paid from during summer break. The pay date is also noted on the Pay Period chart distributed by the Business Office. You can find that chart on the Business Office website or a copy is put yearly under the Document and Forms link on the Supervisor Portal.
What Budget are Summer Worker’s Paid From?