Although a supervisor has the right to terminate a student employee, every effort should be made to avoid termination. Even after every effort has been made to correct a student’s behavior, there may come a point where a supervisor must start the termination process. If a student has committed an egregious offense, then the supervisor can terminate a student employee immediately. Egregious offenses would include stealing, harassment, etc.
Procedure for Terminating Student Employees:
Verbal warning and discussion of the problem. If a supervisor is not satisfied with a student’s behavior, the supervisor should discuss the matter with the student, and detail exactly how to correct the problem(s). Written documentation should be kept detailing the problem(s) and what was said and agreed upon during the conversation.
Written warning. If the problem continues, a supervisor must issue one, preferably two, written warnings stating precisely what is the unacceptable behavior or performance issue, exactly what change is required, and a date by which that behavior or performance issue must improve in order to prevent the student from losing his or her student employment position. A copy of each warning letter should be sent to the Student Financial Services Office and will become a part of the student’s permanent file in the Dean of Students Office. It is important that supervisors keep careful documentation of the date and nature of each occurrence of unacceptable behavior or performance. Supersivors can use a Personal Improvement Plan form, Personal Improvement Feedback form, and the Personal Improvement Plan Follow Up form to help aid in their planning.
Each supervisor decides how many written warnings will be issued before terminating a student’s work assignment. The number of warnings should be included as part of the text of the warning letter.
Termination. If the student’s behavior still does not improve, the supervisor has a right to terminate the student’s employment.
If a student is terminated, the student will not receive any help from SFS in securing another position to replace the hours lost because of a termination. The student may work on campus during the remaining term(s) of the academic year, but will be treated as a non-aid student and will not be given preferential treatment in obtaining another position.
Terminating a Student