Carleton will foster habits of civic engagement and career exploration that prepare Carls to lead lives of impact in their communities.
Carleton’s outstanding academic program will ensure that students develop lifelong curiosity and a rich appreciation for the inherent value of a broad and integrative liberal arts education. At the same time, equipping students with an understanding of the tangible skills they have acquired through their Carleton experience will increase their confidence in their own ability to use that education to good purpose.
In addition to the intellectual growth stimulated by their academic work, Carleton students have the opportunity for additional personal and professional development through co-curricular experiences that may include participation in student organizations, athletics, or performing arts groups; student employment; and engagement with the local community.
While Carleton has a strong record of sending students on to graduate school and into a wide range of careers, we recognize that students would benefit from a broader framework for career exploration as they consider the multiple pathways available to them as liberal arts graduates. Forging stronger connections across campus and with alumni will expand the network available to students as they begin to think about their post-graduation futures. At the same time, students’ deep engagement on campus and with local communities will cultivate skills in community-building that will prepare them for lives of impact in their communities.
Visit the pages below to see the actions and metrics associated with each goal.