Goal #5: Carleton will create space for experimentation, exploration and intellectual risk-taking inside and outside of the classroom
Action 15
We will support the Carleton faculty’s commitment to pedagogical innovation and teaching excellence by expanding the role of the Perlman Center for Learning and Teaching.
With additional funding, the Perlman Center for Learning and Teaching (LTC) could build on its current programs to offer additional support for faculty collaboration and experimentation. For example, the LTC could create an opportunity for interested faculty to organize summer workshops for faculty from across the country on topics like curricular renewal, inclusive pedagogy, sustainability, the impact of AI, or experiential approaches to the humanities.
In keeping with Carleton’s IDE goals, periodic workshops could engage and support diverse faculty from a range of institutions beyond liberal arts colleges, including state universities, historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), tribal colleges, and community colleges. Such programs would serve as a laboratory for new approaches that would enhance Carleton classrooms, be influential at campuses across the country, and reinforce Carleton’s national reputation for undergraduate teaching excellence.