The timeline for the strategic planning process allowed for the three task forces to work throughout the 2022–23 academic year, sharing draft reports with the community before submitting them to the Coordinating Committee by the end of Spring Term 2023. A draft plan was shared with the Carleton community on August 28, and the Board of Trustees will review the final plan at its October 2023 meeting.
March–June 2022
Community Engaged
- Open meetings, meetings with committees and leadership groups, small group discussions on potential areas of focus
- Financial Aid Working Group begins its work
August–October 2022
Topics and Structure Finalized
- Faculty Retreat in September provided additional input on broad themes and issues
- Discussions with College Council, FAC, SAC and Forum, and CSA provided opportunities for input
- Alumni town hall via Zoom provided opportunity to outline proposed themes and seek feedback
October 2022
Plan Kickoff
- Coordinating Committee and task forces appointed and charged
- Update and discussion at Board of Trustees meeting
October 2022–May 2023
Reports Developed
- Monthly open meetings for community to provide feedback on work that is ongoing
- February retreat with trustees and other constituents to discuss progress
- Draft task force reports and recommendations shared with community in late spring
May–August 2023
Draft Plan Finalized
- Task forces submit reports to Coordinating Committee, which drafts initial plan for final community feedback
- Draft plan shared with Carleton community
September–October 2023
Final Plan Developed and Reviewed
- Coordinating Committee incorporates community feedback into a final plan
- Board of Trustees review final plan