May 16, 2014

Dear Carleton Faculty, Staff, and Students,

I am very pleased to share with you Carleton’s new Facilities Master Plan, which has now been unanimously approved by both the College Council and the Board of Trustees.

As you know, the formal adoption of this plan completes a year-long process that included broad consultation across our College community. This is how we develop the wisest and most forward-looking ideas to ensure that Carleton’s physical resources best support its core academic mission. I would like to thank overall Planning Co-Chairs Fernan Jaramillo and Fred Rogers; Committee Co-Chairs Joe Chihade and Melinda Russell; and all the other members of the various planning committees for their thoughtful and successful work on this important project. I’m grateful as well to all faculty, staff, students, alumni, parents, neighbors and Trustees who were involved in this broad effort.

This plan details how Carleton will address both the most pressing and the longer-range facilities and physical plant priorities that were identified in the College’s Strategic Plan. Furthermore, it establishes an integrated facilities vision that will guide Carleton for the coming decades.

Now we can begin to carry out our plan. Immediate next steps will include a more detailed analysis of the scope, cost, and sequencing of the science and music/public events projects that top our priorities. I look forward to working with all of you to bring these exciting and important ideas to fruition.

Steve Poskanzer