The Six Steps of the Hero’s Journey:
- The Call to Adventure
- Supernatural Aid
- Crossing of the First Threshold
- The Trials
- The Prize
- The Return
Journey M.A.P. (Managing Action Plan):
Think of your most proud or difficult achievement then plot the journey below:
- Identify the imbalance. Note: Keep the imbalance as succinct as possible, keeping in mind that the prize you identify should correct it.
- The Call to Adventure – What form did the call come in? How many times did you receive it belor you accepted?
- Supernatural Aid – Identify your mentors and the “amulets” they brought to you.
- Crossing of the First Threshold – What was the point of no return?
- The Trials – What obstacles stood in your way?
- The Return – What did you receive, how was the entire community affected?