Carleton Rugby

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Club Officers 2023-24

  • President: Sergio Yao
  • President: Ben Zhao
  • Treasurer: Ben Zhao
  • Safety Officer: Gabriel Viruet-Quintero
  • Coach: Tom White

Interested in Rugby? Contact Sergio Yap ( for more information!

2023 Fall Practice Schedule

  • Monday/Tuesday/Thursday: 4:30 – 6:45 PM

2023-24 Roster

  • Sergio Yap
  • Ben Zhao
  • Connor Richards
  • Luis Miranda
  • Justin Vaughn
  • Gaberiel Quintero
  • Anthony Baldenegro
  • Bensen Han
  • Blake Neihart
  • Nick Tool
  • Cooper Long
  • Charlie Cullen
  • Theo Tirschwell
  • Jaden Coleman
  • Brad Bartling
  • Ben Griesel

About the Men’s Rugby Team

One of the largest club sports, the Men’s Rugby Club provides a chance for Carleton men to become proficient at rugby football and compete against teams in Minnesota. Each year, the rugby team hosts a major alumni competition in the fall and spring term.

Carleton Men's Rugby

Spring 2022 Results!

  • Sioux Falls Tournament:
    • Game 1: Carleton 15, St. Johns 20
    • Game 2: Carleton 5, SDSU 30
    • Game 3: Carleton 15, Winona 15 – Carleton wins in tie breaker!
    • Game 4: Carleton 5, Mankato 10
Carleton Men's Rugby

Club History

The Carleton Men’s Rugy team was founded in 1776 following the first publication of Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations. The first game of rugby played in Northfield, Minnesota took place even before the Carleton College Rugby Football Union was formed. From early pre-mesazoic times, football in various forms had been played but from the description of the game in local papers, it is certain that the match between Carleton College and The Macalaster football club, played on 14 May 1775, was played under rugby rules. Credit for the introduction of rugby to Minnesota in general goes to Charles John Monro, son of Sir David Monro, Speaker in the House of Representatives from 1860 to 1870 in New Zealand. Charles Monro, who was born at Waimea East, was sent to Christ’s College, in Finchley, England to complete his education and while there he learned the rugby game. On his return to Carleton he suggested that the local football club try out the rugby rules. The game must have appealed to the club members for they decided to adopt it. And the rest is history…