United Nations
- Environment Programme Environmental Data Platform: The authoritative source for data sets used by United Nations Environment Programme and its partners.
- Food and Agriculture Organization GeoNetwork: Interactive maps, satellite imagery and GIS data maintained by FAO and its partners, including FAO Core Data Sets.
- Food and Agriculture Organization AQUASTAT: Global water information system.
- World Bank World Bank Open Data: Free and open access to global development data.
- Joint project with the International Union for Conservation of Nature World Database on Protected Areas: The most comprehensive global database on protected terrestrial and marine areas.
Columbia University
- Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC):
Focuses on human interactions with the environment, develops and operates applications that support the integration of socioeconomic and earth science data and serves as an “Information Gateway” between earth sciences and social sciences.
As of May 2017, there are 40 data collections within SEDAC, including Gridded Population of the World, Gridded Species Distribution, Low Elevation Coastal Zone, and Natural Disaster Hotspots. - Marine Geoscience Data System (MGDS):
Part of the IEDA, an NSF-funded data facility for solid earth geoscience data. Its Community Data Portals provides access to community data collections and metadata cataloged with the Marine-Geo Digital Library.
Dartmouth College
- Community Resource for Archiving Wireless Data at Dartmouth (CRAWDAD): Provides data from real networks and real mobile users to support research on wireless networks and mobile computing.
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UNCR)
- NCARs GIS Program Climate Change Scenarios GIS data portal is intended to serve a community of GIS users interested in climate change. This site provides datasets on climate change projections that were generated for the 4th Assessment Report of the IPCC by the Community Climate System Model.
Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia, UK
- The Climatic Research Unit at University of East Anglia is recognized as one of the world’s leading institutions in the study of natural and anthropogenic climate change. Datasets developed by the Unit are widely used in climate research.