
Camille Braun: “Essaying the Essay Film: How Mercedes Álvarez, Cecilia Barriga, and Toni Serra/Abu Ali Choose to Film”

Isabelle Ibibo: “Life After Death: The Zombie Myth in Latin American Literature”

Tenaya Wilson-Charles: “A Demon of Four Letters: HIV/AIDS in Cuba from 1986-1994” 


Jordyn Adeboye: “The Discourse of Santa Teresa: an Exploration of How the Personal and Subjective Become Political”

Amelia Bell: “The Poetics of Belén Gopegui”

Catherine Berman: “The Reader-Producer in Roberto Bolaño and Walter Benjamin”

Sonja Dangler: “No One is Innocent: Gender and Class in Elena Poniatowska’s De noche vienes

Anthony Harb: “My Dearest Doña Elena: An Analysis of the National Catholic Discourse in the Consultorio de Elena Francis”

Tenzin Lendey: “The Invention of the Modern Novel: The Role of the Reinvention and Rewriting of the Female Character in Don Quixote

Katherine Strong: “Daugther Luchadora Cuauhtémoc: A Theory-based Analysis of the Role of Women in Revoltuion”

Lindsay Szper: “Literature or Translation: Two Bilingual Authors’ Views on Language and Writing”

Anya Zach: “Cineasta de la censura: Víctor Erice and the Censorship of Film in Francoist Spain”


Will Biagi: “The Poetics of Javier Pérez Andújar”

Erica Cruz: “Blurring the Lines of Time and Culture in Leyendas de Guatemala by Miguel Angel Asturias”

Anne Lombardi: “Relief Effort or Political Effort?: A Look at Children During the Spanish Civil War and Those who Helped Them”

Helen Strnad: “An Encounter with Evil: The Revealing Power of Crime Fiction”

Swathi Varanasi: “The Woman’s Body and its Role in Society: An Analysis of “El campo” and “El desporjamiento” by Griselda Gámbaro”

Daniela Williams-Condor: “Narrating the Unspeakable, the Unimaginable: Encounters with the Abject in Post-war Central American Literature and Society”

Collin Young: “The Ligament of Sound and The Transmemberment of Song: the Singular Contrapuntal Harmony of José Lezama Lima and Hart Crane”