Sep 19
CGRS Welcome Ice Cream Social

Please join CGRS for a Welcome Ice Cream Social to kick off another academic year and celebrate our interdisciplinary programs!
We will be having a variety of ice cream treats on Thursday, September 19th from 11:40am to 1:20pm in the CGRS Lounge (Leighton 4th floor)! This is a come and go as you can event, where you can stay for as long or as little as your schedule allows!
All interdisciplinary faculty and staff are welcome and encouraged to attend, as well as all currently declared majors/minors of interdisciplinary programs.
Additionally, we encourage all new students that have an interest in majoring or minoring in an interdisciplinary program to join!
We kindly ask for a tentative headcount from faculty and staff by Friday, September 13th. Please RSVP to Anna Hagen.
Questions or dietary restrictions we should be aware of, please feel free to reach out to Anna Hagen as well.
Event sponsored by: The Center for Global and Regional Studies, Africana Studies, Asian Languages and Literature, Asian Studies, Classics, Cross-Cultural Studies, European Studies, French and French and Francophone Studies, German and Russian, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Middle Eastern Languages, Middle East Studies, and Spanish.
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