Apr 20

SOAN Comps Poster Presentations

Thu, April 20, 2023 • 12:00pm - 1:00pm (1h) • Weitz 236

The SOAN department is hosting comps poster presentations on April 20th. The following students are presenting their projects: Zoe Bonnell, Yumo Lu, Cristina Camarillo, Lily Horne, Alicia Telle, Marte Borgmann, Aisha Dem, Naiya Karl, Jason Min, Annabel Cohen, Jeremy Fong, Sophia Maag, and Joe Radinsky.

We invite Carleton students, staff, faculty, and Northfield community members to attend. Lunch will be provided for the first 90 people.

We hope to see you there!

Event Contact: Danielle Schultz

Event Summary

SOAN Comps Poster Presentations
  • Intended For: General Public, Students, Faculty, Staff, Families
  • Categories: Comps, Exhibition, food offered

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